TPH Policy on Promoting Content from Clubs, Teams, and Organizations
2020 – 2021 school year
(This document is also available on Google Docs. Click here.)
TPH’s main priority on the web is to inform. It is in our publication’s best interest to share information regarding activities led by PHS/MHS-related clubs and teams. Our online presence is carefully tailored to ensure that viewers stay up-to-date on the latest events, but are not overwhelmed with unnecessary details or incessant posts.
While TPH reporters will always look for interesting stories related to student activities on campus, this year, TPH is open to helping promote on our social media accounts information from school clubs, school teams, and other local organizations (involving PHS and MHS students).
The format of a post will generally be an Instagram/Facebook story.
Students are expected to create their own graphics or photos to submit to TPH to post.
However, to regulate the amount of posts on TPH accounts, each club/team/organization will generally be only allowed:
- One introductory story post at the beginning of each semester
- One story post per semester for any major events
Additional posts may be approved on a case-by-case basis by TPH.
TPH reserves the right to reject, remove, edit, or add to any posts at any time. All content must adhere to our policies. Posts are approved at the discretion of TPH.
To submit posts related to Club Day on Sept. 10 and 11, please contact Editor-in-Chief Anthony Wong at before Sept. 9 at 12pm.
Examples of generally acceptable information to submit include:
- General information about club/team/organization meeting times and activities (at the beginning of the semester or when the group is formed), and
- Advertisements for upcoming tryouts, auditions, concerts, important games, and other key events
Examples of generally acceptable formats of promotional materials include:
- Pre-posted Instagram posts that are already on a club/team/organization’s account and can be directly added to the TPH story
- Graphics that can fit in the frame of an Instagram story, and
- Videos that can fit in the frame of an Instagram story and are under ten seconds in length