TPH spoke with freshman Caroline Stetson, the artist behind many of your favorite TPH graphics:
“I do mostly digital art, using Procreate. I like being able to erase stuff without making marks and get to resize things and move [my art] around.”
Describe your favorite pieces.
“I’m pretty proud of the stuff that I do for the paper, and I do a lot of the graphic
design for Students for Solar [or] green club. I am not really sure what is my favorite stuff.”
“I think that in the future, I’d like to do a lot more of the stuff that I do with the Students for Solar group because my art sort of helps them spread a good message.”
Where do you find inspiration?
“I usually follow artists on Instagram and Pinterest and things like that. [Also] my sister has like a lot of tattoos [so] I get kind of inspiration from some of the art that’s on my sister.”

How did you start working with Students for Solar?
[When] I started working with the paper, I got a couple of emails and texts [asking], can you design our logo, can you do this, and eventually they just asked me to come on board the group. So now I like help out with every single Instagram post and flyer and things like that. It’s really fun.
What else do you want to say?
“I just think art is a really important thing to me and it’s great to have a sort of platform to put to use, [like TPH], and to not just have it sit in my phone.”