Science teacher Tom Huffaker has launched his first soap-creating project in hopes of raising money for a senior award for science. Huffaker has been working with student volunteers to create a soap that can be sold in order to benefit the PHS community.
Huffaker hopes that the proceeds of the project can be used to start a new student science award in honor of science teacher Eileen Rohmer, who died of cancer in Oct. The award will be presented to a student at Senior Award Night, and the proceeds will be donated to the recipient’s charity of choice under his or her name.
“It’s something fun to do and the idea of making soap has always been in the back of my mind,” Huffaker said.
Huffaker said that so far, there have been five active student volunteers. Huffaker has been meeting with the student volunteers during lunch in order to create the soap.
During lunch, the participating students meet in Huffaker’s classroom to create, monitor, and make suggestions for the soap. He has been using books and online resources to help guide them in the process.
Senior Xinyue Wang said that the project is a team effort. Wang said that the participating students have been able to learn more about the process of making real soap.
“It’s not something that most people would spend the time or effort to do,” Wang said.
Junior Henry Taylor said that he has learned a lot about making soap through the project. Huffaker opened up the project to all PHS students.
“Hopefully the project will continue to grow and more students will be interested in being a part of it,” Taylor said.
Wang said that she never had Rohmer as a teacher and was never able to do anything for her before she passed away. She said that participating in the soap project is a way for her to remember Rohmer and her contribution to the students at PHS.
“I thought making soap sounded fun and it is going to a good cause,” Wang said.