1. What is it like being colleagues with some of your old teachers?
It was weird at first because I didn’t know their first names. They’re supposed to be my colleagues so I shouldn’t have to refer to the as Mr. and Mrs. I’m still inexperienced and sometimes it’s like the scene from Men and Black 1 where they say, “go get ‘em tiger”. That’s entertaining sometimes.
2. What is different about PHS than when you went here?
Not that much is different. The students are still very motivated and on task. I don’t see as many cliques but that’s probably just because I don’t go outside and interact with students quite as much. I generally see happier people here than when I went here.
3. What do you do you in your free time?
I coach the swim team which is not exactly free time and I also compete in triathlons.
4. What would be your favorite meal?
I’m all about brunch. Brunch is a delicious meal. It obviously only happens on the weekends but I’m talking about the all you can eat brunch, not just the 15 minutes we get here.
5. Do you play video games?
I play a little bit of video games but it’s very rare. I play Left 4 Dead which is a zombie- killing game. Recently, I bought a Nintendo 64 and a GameCube so every now and then I’ll play Mario Cart or Golden Eye or Super Smash Bros.
6. Who is your favorite rapper?
Drake. I think Drake tells somewhat legitimately real stories. He’s not so much about, look at all the ladies that I’m having lots of sex with or, look at all the drugs I’m doing and all people that I’m killing. I think his raps are somewhat more legitimate even though he’s not talking about how hard life was on the street, but that’s because he’s not from the street.
7. Is it ever different or weird being closer in age to the students than other teachers?
Yes and no. sometimes it’s a little difficult because they want to be buddy-buddy and hang but that obviously can’t happen more than the normal and acceptable high-five for doing a good job on something. Some times I feel like, being closer in age, I sympathize with whatever issues the kids happen to be going through: how hard classes are, dealing with a balance between school and sports, and work and family. I remember going through those things just as they are so I know how difficult it can be. It can be helpful but sometimes it can be like ‘look I’m not going to hang out with you’.