The annual senior girls tea was held at Muriel Hebert’s house, Sunday, May 5.
The senior girls and their mothers, and some grandmothers, came to celebrate the end of the girl’s high school career.
At the tea, there was a selection of small snacks, ranging from cucumber sandwiches to small cookies and scones.
Senior Becca Patton said her favorite part was the food.
“The food was awesome, and everyone looked adorable,” Patton said.
Guests conversed inside and out of the house, in the clean cut yard, fit with a gazebo, and gravel paths throughout the garden. Then the girls went in a line introducing themselves, and who they brought to the celebration.
Senior Maddy Blemker said she enjoyed seeing everyone at the tea.
“I thought it was cool how all my friend’s moms got to talk with my mom,” Blemker said. “It was like I saw myself in 30 years, talking to all my friends. And the food was dope.”
As guests were leaving, each were given a pack of flower seeds, to put in their gardens.