The old school Nintendo Game Boy Advance games are making a comeback due to the availability of the new Nintendo application on the iPhone.
In order to play the game, users must download the app, GBA4iOS, that provides the accessibility of the Game Boy Advance emulator. This emulator allows users to play any game boy advance game they download. The instructions for downloading the app are at
Player of the game, senior Austin Sun, said the game is the same as the original Game Boy Advance games besides the fact that it is being played from a phone instead of an actual Game Boy.
“I like playing Game Boy games because it is a fun way to pass time and it brings me back to my childhood,” Sun said.
Owners of the app are able to choose any Game Boy game they want to play. The most popular games are usually Pokemon, Zelda, Mario Kart, and Super Mario, Sun said.
“My favorite game is Pokemon Fire Red because it features all the original Pokemon,” Sun said.
Sun said he usually plays the game for only a few minutes at time, mostly when he is taking a break from homework or when he is with his friends watching TV.
“I used to own a real Game Boy and it was a lot of fun to play,” said junior Tucker Johnson, who also plays the Game Boy Advance games often. “I play the same games on my phone that I did on the real Game Boy.”
The app on the iPhone is made to look identical to how it would appear on the original Game Boy. It also features the same controls like the A and B buttons, Johnson said.
“Playing the game makes me nostalgic and brings back a lot of memories I had as a child,” Johnson said. “It’s also free.”
Senior Ale Chiodo, who downloaded the app two weeks ago, also enjoys playing Game Boy Advance games on his phone during his free time.
“I play the game because it’s fun and it’s a good way to spend my free time in class and when I’m not doing anything,” Chiodo said.
The game is convenient because it saves at any point, which makes it easier to