Artistically inclined students have taken classes at California State Summer School for the Arts, a program developed in the 1980’s to encourage artistic growth among teenagers.
According to CSSSA, their goal is to help individuals understand their potential growth as creative artists and increase the students artistic skill. With a range of potential classes for students to take, CSSSA plans on broadening their students’ understanding of their capabilities, regardless of their future plans in life.
Sophomore Tyler Ellis embarked on his journey to CSSSA over the summer to enhance his acting skills for his acting class.
“It has definitely helped me with Acting classes here by giving me more technique to work on scenes,” Ellis said. “It’s an all in all fantastic experience.”
CSSSA not only helps enhance the skills of students in both visual and performing arts, but also allows for actors and artists from different schools to meet each other at the California Institute of the Arts.
“I’m not so nervous about meeting new people because everyone at CSSSA was new,” Ellis said. “I encourage everyone to apply.”
Senior Ned Stasio went to CSSSA to improve his filmmaking skills outside of school.
“It helped me understand filmmaking as an art form and how other people interpret film,” Stasio said. “I learned different techniques that benefitted my video skills and I also learned a lot about myself.”
With an application process, CSSSA is able to create a competitive environment where students can learn how to be all they can be. Each visual art and performing art has its own personal application process and unique activities that further allow students to improve their skills.
Art teacher Gillian Bailey also encourages that dedicated performing or visual arts students attend camps like this to improve their artistic abilities.
“Its important to note that its not just visual arts. It’s creative writing, its dance, it’s music, it’s theatre,” Bailey said. “There’s a lot of different chances to go into different fields.”
By using college level classes, this government-funded program allows students to sharpen their already adept skills to prepare them for college applications and creating their portfolios. Because 40 percent of students who attend CSSSA have 20 to 90 percent of their tuition paid for, a more diverse student population is present at CSSSA.
“It’s probably the closest to a college experience you get,” Bailey said. “Every student I’ve had that goes really considers it a life changing experience.”