This year the varsity baseball team has won seven games, lost seven games, and tied one.
Currently holding the position of right field, two year varsity player senior Spencer Gutterman has been playing baseball for nine years.
Gutterman said that his favorite part of playing on the team is getting to play with juniors because they are funny, good at baseball, and push him to do better.
While on the Varsity team, Gutterman learned that he is legally blind.
“Baseball allowed me to see that I was blind, as strange as that sounds,” Gutterman said. “I wear correctional vision contacts and they allow me to see in baseball. Once I figured that out I started playing baseball better.”
Three year varsity player senior Ryan Nakamura has been playing baseball for 13 years and currently holds positions as catcher and in-field.
“[My favorite part of the being on the team is] experiencing the joy of competition and playing along side your brothers that [I’ve] grown up playing with all [my] life through little league.”
Nakamura said that the highlight of this season for him was hitting a walk off against Mt Eden.
“We won that game and we had a barbeque after,” Nakamura said.
The baseball team is supportive of one another and the players give each other advice, Nakamura said.
“We all cheer each other on,” Nakamura said. “If one of us is down or making errors we will get on each others’ cases, like constructive criticism. We’ll pump them back up if they’re down and we’ll get their energy and spirit back up.”
Nakamura and Gutterman said that their goals of the season are to win league and NCS.
Freshman Andrew Meredith, with 10 years of baseball experience, joined the JV team this year. His favorite part of playing on the team is bonding and becoming close with his teammates.
“My favorite part of the season was when we beat Bishop O’Dowd six to four,” Meredith said.