Bjork Starts Off the Year With a New Studio

Ruby Johnson, Staff Writer

Art teacher Hannah Bjork walks into her new studio at the start of the school year ready to start creating. With the high ceilings, abundance of natural light, large desks, and new cubbies, she finally has the studio she always wished for.

“It’s my dream room and my dream job,” Bjork said.

After a difficult year of switching between studios, Bjork has finally settled into her new art studio. Previously, Bjork worked in Room 41, a ceramic studio on the lower floor of Millenium High. It was an older studio with little to no heating. Last year, after construction of the STEAM building was complete, Bjork began the move. Now, her studio is located on the lower level of STEAM, in Room 001.

“Everyone has their own area and their own space,” said sophomore and Ceramics II student Teresa Mckay. 

The new studio offers every student a designated cubby. Each student has enough room to keep multiple projects in their own space.

“I’m able to store my projects and work on them for days because of the cubbies,” said freshman and Ceramics I student Malia Shrieve.

Bjork said she enjoyed a smooth transition into the year.

“The room was already set up to work, whereas last year we had to begin working in a studio that was not entirely ready.” she said.

Last year, Bjork worked overtime, teaching six total classes. She said she often came in on weekends to transport projects between studios and make sure students could get their finished projects on time. Now that the kilns are located right outside the studio, many students are able to get their finished work the next day.

 “I love the new studio, it’s by far the best classroom in STEAM.” Shrieve said.

At the end of a long day, Bjork walks out of her studio and turns off the lights with the relief of knowing her spacious studio is patiently waiting until the next day.