On December 1 and 2 the Piedmont and Millennium High School dance class performed the Winter dance recital. It was inspired by various aspects of cinema. The dance class has been working and putting together the recital since the beginning of the school year.
“We’ve been working on these dances since the beginning of the year, so it was really nice seeing it get played out after all the effort we put into it,” said senior dance team member Samaya Jones.
With the help of director Amy Moorhead, lighting programming & operation coordinator Amelia Addingtion, music operator Ali Atanasio, and a team of backstage support, the dancers were animated with colors and music throughout the recital.
The first dance performed was titled ‘Tell me, Tell me,’ with music by 50/50. The group dance was choreographed by Nellie Daniel, a guest choreographer who graduated from MHS in 2022. The class was inspired to perform this dance from a quote by Haruki Murakami “Say it before you run out of time. Say it before it’s too late. Say what you’re feeling. Waiting is a mistake”.

As the performance continued, it grabbed different aspects of the cinema through each dance. The dances are reflective of cinema aspects and are open to interpretation.
“It was really nice being able to work and dance with my partner [Emma Neilsan], the whole reticle was really fun to put together” said choreographer and dancer Grace Rego
Ending with the grand finale, the full team performed Just Dance!, music by Barbie Mashup. Just Dance! Is a hip-hop piece featuring music and aspects from the iconic movie Barbie.
“My choreography underscores the themes of womanhood and camaraderie using eccentric moves and our utmost energy,” said choreographer and dancer Haylee Cheang.