Whether he’s speeding around the track, cross country course or fundraisers, senior Julien Lee truly encompasses what it means to be a team captain.
“He’s really diligent. [And] he’s a really good captain. If there’s ever a responsibility, like a team fundraiser or something, he’s always going to be the first person to volunteer there to work it, “ said co-captain of the cross country team, Senior Xander Schulte-Sasse.
After four years on the varsity cross-country team, Lee became co-captain.
“I’m definitely quiet and introverted. But I think I’m also definitely growing as a leader in the cross-country arena of my life,” said Lee.
[Julien] Lee never misses doing the tiresome stretch drills before practice and meets. He also gives his all in workouts and races, Schulte-Sasse said.
“[What makes Julien Julien is] he’s a kind person and his work ethic. Julien is one of the most dedicated members of the team. He’s literally put so much work into [cross-country]. Besides cross-country he puts so much work into everything he does, he’s a good role model.” said senior cross-country runner and friend Tomas Jorcino.
Lee is also a very dedicated friend.
“One year he gave me a birthday card with a map he drew. There were tons of things about me that I didn’t even remember. It just showed that he pays attention and cares,” Schulte-Sasse said.
“He’s pretty quiet but when he has something to say it’s well thought-out, it’s something nice,” Jorcino said.
Schultasesse also said how Julien often poses philosophical questions.
“He can think really well. Sometimes I talk to him about something philosophical and you can tell he’s already gone through it and come to a conclusion,” said Schulte-Sasse.
As Lee develops himself, he aspires to live every moment to the fullest.

“One quote that always stands out to me, that I could stand to live by better is, ‘The way we spend our days is the way we spend our lives,’” said Lee.
Lee values integrity, little moments in life, and family. He loves playing basketball with his brothers, spending time with nearby extended family, reading, and the environment. Lee said he had a hard time answering questions about himself as he was still figuring out who he is and what he values.
“A part of growing is figuring out who I am [and] just figuring out my stance on different things. “
Lee recently received the news that he was admitted to his early decision school, Colorado College. They’ll be lucky to have him.