Our publications office sits right across from the bathrooms on the same floor of the library, which is very convenient. But for months, the door to the bathroom has been locked.
At the end of November, the administration discovered that students were vaping in the bathrooms near the library and closed them down shortly after. The uninformed students were greeted by a bathroom that is currently still locked, and the only explanation given is a sign reading “Do Not Use.” Six weeks ago, the administration also completed a lead test for the school’s water, and the results were expected two weeks after testing, Director of Facilities Pete Palmer said. However, the results were just released last Thursday indicating that one faucet and drinking fountain will be removed due to low, but present lead levels.
As students, we believe that our student body and faculty have the right to know about changes to school policy or practice that are consequential to us. Right now, we spend the majority of our hours at school, using the bathrooms and drinking from the water fountains, so we deserve to know about the events in our surroundings. The administration should inform us, even if it is a brief memo, about what is going on at our school. We deserve updates about which bathrooms are open, the results of the lead tests, and whether or not water fountains are safe to drink from. We understand that this might be private information, in which case a brief update of the process the administration is going through to solve these two potential problems would suffice.
Being informed as a community can keep us connected and prevent other potential problems from arising. We are a small school, which means that ensuring everyone is well-informed about current events at the school should not be a difficult task. An update through email, even if only limited information can be provided, will help students, staff, parents, and other community members to feel involved with the happenings of school. This way, we will not have to keep checking if the bathrooms across from 30A are still locked, or be cautious about which water fountains to drink from.