Freshman leaping into high school have now pranced into the January Dance-P.E. unit from January 8 – 24, although this year it’s taking on a slightly different form.
P.E. teacher Jeff Peters said that dance is a required part of the state curriculum for P.E.
“It’s a part of the state standards outcome. We have things like single and dual games, larger team games, and also electives like Dance.”
Despite the Dance P.E. class being removed, students still have a unit to showcase their creativity, and dance skills.
Freshman Lucas Ironside recently completed his dance performance, he said, “The dancing unit was really great, I liked the creative aspect.”
Up until this year most students completed a semester of Dance P.E.
Sophomore Justin Amen really enjoyed the class and is glad all students still complete a unit of Dance P.E.
“I was really sad that not all students will have a whole semester of Dance P.E. I loved doing the choreography, creating dances with my friends. I wish I could do it again,” Amen said.
Although out of his usual realm of teaching, P.E. teacher Jeff Peters enjoys watching his students come up with creative dance ideas.
“I try to make the [dance] unit fun for everyone, and I’ll always be flexible to make it more fun for the kids,” Peters said.
Peters said that the performances this year were especially good, and he wishes that some of these kids would pursue dance in the future.
“This year they blew me away. There were a few groups that I told them they should start something like a dance group, they really killed it,” Peters said.
Peters said creativity is a big part of the unit.
“It’s a bit of a break from normal P.E. activities,” Peters said. “Kids are able to be in small groups and have the freedom to create what they want, which I think they enjoy.”